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NEW Overwatch 2 Hero: Life Weaver! - All Abilities Leaked

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Overwatch 2: NEW Overwatch 2 Hero: Life Weaver! - All Abilities Leaked ➡️ ➡️ Wanna join our games? Join the discord! ➡️ Twitter: ➡️ In-game name: Dittoz ➡️ Other Names: Dittozkul #Overwatch #OverwatchVS #GamingCurios We Hope You Enjoy This Overwatch Moments Video, Featuring the Best Overwatch Funny Moments, Overwatch Epic Moments, Overwatch WTF Moments, Overwatch Highlights, Overwatch Fails, Overwatch Gli


all right we have a massive leak um that just happened this is this is going to be life Weaver the newest hero to OverWatch coming tomorrow a lot of content creators not me but a lot of content creators do have access and we'll be showing you gameplay tomorrow if you don't want to be spoiled at all then you can click away from this video if you want to know his abilities we will get straight into it I'm not gonna be showing any of the sources on screen this is to protect uh myself basically but you know it's out there not much we can do at this point I've covered leaks in the past and we're going to do so no different here so new hero life Weaver's abilities life Weaver ability the first one's called BioLite a regenerative technology that serves as the source of his healing powers then he has pedal platform generates a pressure sensitive platform that ascends when Stepped On by Heroes on both teams so I assume this means pretend putting down a blossom okay you