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New Set Debut | March of the Machine | Card Previews, Battle Card Type, New Mechanics

#trading card game
#magic the gathering
#mtg arena
#collectible card game
All hope is not lost! Gather courage in the face of the Phyrexian invasion in March of the Machine! Meet the Multiverse legends who teamed up to take on the Phyrexian scourge and make One Last Stand with a brand new card type, mechanics, new card previews, and the finale of the Phyrexian Arc! Preorder Now - Play Early on MTG Arena – April 13 Register for Prerelease at Your Local Game Store – April 14 - 20 Available Everywhere – Apri


foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the march of the machine has commenced the forexians are ready to conquer the entire Multiverse commanding the charge is Elish norn the leader of the prators look how she radiates in all her metallic Glory Ella schnorn follows the doctrine written in the Argent etchings and she will carry its message to every plane she invades those who resist her Ascension like the traitor or a brask will be repurposed to serve her machine Orthodoxy nothing will stand in the way of her Conquest the mother of machines has a flare for the luxurious her collection of completed artifacts already flaunts a sky shark and a dread ship now she's setting her sights on bigger game on ixalan she seeks the Elder dinosaur Italy in the Primal conqueror she sees the image of herself all that's left is to make this Predator a little more perfect much better on Theros another world eating Beast has caught the attention of the praitters freed