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Nirvana's Nevermind (Cultural literacy 2)

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Cultural Literacy lesson two Nirvana was a super influential American rock band in the early 1990s they were considered pioneers of the grunge genre with lead singer Kurt Cobain one of the biggest celebrities of the decade in 1991 they released their most popular album never mind which has sold over 30 million copies the cover featuring a naked baby swimming towards a dollar bill immediately became one of the most famous photos in American history the kid in the photo is named Spencer Eldon and as he aged he became a minor celebrity in his own right every so often he'd do Recreations of the photo on historic anniversaries but as time went on he grew to resent the band more and more for the fact that he'd gotten so little in return for his Fame his parents got 200 bucks for the 15 second photo shoot but Spencer wanted more so in 2021 he filed a pretty audacious lawsuit claiming that Nirvana had made child pornography of him for which he was entitled to over 2 mi