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Paleo Catalog Basics: Magdeburg Unicorn

#april fools day
#april 1st
Hello everyone, Happy April 1st! #aprilfools #tailsofkaimere #keenantaylorstailsofkaimere #aprilfoolsday #magdeburgunicorn #iceage This week I have something very special for everyone! Today I have decided to expose the truth that many paleontologists don’t want you to know. There is a monster that ruled the earth for millions of years. It was the true king of the entire northern hemisphere. And no other animal in the Pleistocene could do a single thing to stop them. This beast is called the M


[Music] hello everyone happy april 1st today i have something very special planned i want to talk about an animal that likely many of you have never heard of but that's because mainstream paleontology has gone out of its way to hide the existence of this creature it is a monster of unfathomable power that's very existence breaks our understanding of what pleistocene eurasia was even like we've all heard of the mighty beasts like the mammoth the cave bear the cave lion hyenas and even rhinos but there's one animal that sat at the top of the food chain for millions of years and it has largely gone completely covered up by science so let's get into it and talk about gyrix unicorn the true king of the ice age mammoth step also known as the magdeburg unicorn this animal was first described in the 17th century by otto von gyrick the mayor of magdeburg who wrote in a newspaper article about finding some peculiar ancient animal bones in a nearby cave he later even had