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[Music] wait can you use it as a weapon it really is like violent all right here we go [Applause] we should definitely throw away that hot dog packet filled with mustard and someone's going to step on it and it's going to be like well it'll be me and it'll be hilarious hello we're here our dinosaurs are waffles your penis is now diamonds oh are we allowed to do this mm-hmm oh my god what sound does the stegosaurus make what are we doing today um what do you mean wow you drank a lot of that actually uh dan have you ever had trouble cooking at home mm-hmm are you a good cook well now you are look at all these cut ah look at all these apps look at all these cookies ah look at all these cooking supplies [Music] i can't actually understand what this is it's the dreamland and then in japanese and the blue text it says which means dreamland can we use our um our translation thing on our phones no of course not why would we do something stupid like that to unders