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Queen Elizabeth II and Britain's leaders - Britain's longest reigning monarch | DW Documentary

#DW documentary
#full documentary
#documentary 2022
#United Kingdom
#70th anniversary of the throne
#Elizabeth II
#death of Queen Elizabeth II
#Queen Elizabeth
#the Queen
#British monarch
#royal palace
In memoriam Queen Elizabeth II [This documentary was originally released in April 2022] On February 6, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 70th anniversary on the throne. No other head of state has been in power for so long. This film analyzes the fascinating relationship between Queen Elizabeth II and her prime ministers. Winston Churchill was in love with his young queen. The relationship with Margaret Thatcher was difficult. Then there’s Brexiteer Boris Johnson - this film illuminates


elizabeth ii [Music] queen of the united kingdom service of her country for 70 years there's nobody else on earth that has that experience although she wears the imperial state crown the political power in her kingdom is wielded by others 14 prime ministers have held office during her reign tradition demands that once a week they report to her majesty at buckingham palace all of them come to find it one of the most treasured moments of the week these meetings are strictly confidential [Music] it has never ever leaked from buckingham palace ever what a queen has said to a prime minister or prime minister to the queen we take a look behind the facade and we discover secret power games rivalries but also genuine friendships [Music] the british love their queen maybe because she doesn't talk about politics it's often said she's never put a foot wrong and that is true but she has understood the importance of silence of not expressing her opinions of not r