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Repaint! Norigae Girl 'Songpyeon' Custom OOAK Doll ✿ 노리개 여자 '송편' 리페인팅

#monster high
#face up
#space buns
I’m back, and starting off with a passion project no less! Say hello to Songpyeon, the Korean hanbok-inspired character with norigae hair. Happy Chuseok! 재미있고 행복한 추석 보내세요~ Here’s the janky jeogori pattern: TO DOWNLOAD: Click the download icon in the upper right corner. Note: You do not need to gain 'access' to my drive to download the files. Books referenced: 흑요석이 그리는 한복 이야기 by 우나영 (Wooh Na Young) 조선시대 우리옷 한복 이야


[Music] welcome to delightful this is my first project coming back to work after my maternity leave so did i go easy on myself just to face up maybe nope we're reworking a doll from head to toe as usual but in all seriousness our start to parenthood has been great i've enjoyed every second of it but workaholic that i am i'm also excited to start a fresh project this is one that's been several years coming believe it or not where to start uh i love norike norige are a traditional korean accessory that comes in a variety of beautiful and intricate forms in the ye olden times of the joseon dynasty they served practical purposes such as carrying ear and toothpicks needle pouches for sewing and the most popular of all ones that carry fragrances but they've always been decorative nowadays people still wear them for any fancy occasion that might require you to dress in the traditional hanbok but they show up in more casual places too for example my in-laws use th