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Sean Evans Reveals the Season 19 Hot Sauce Lineup | Hot Ones

#First we feast
#food porn
#craft beer
#complex networks
#spicy food
#food documentary
#hot ones line up
#hot ones hot sauce
#sean evans hot sauce
It's that time, Spice Lords! Season 19 of Hot Ones is finally here and we're kicking things off in magical fashion on Thursday, September 29, at 11am EST with the amazing David Blaine. And you know what that means: Sean Evans is here to welcome a new lineup of sauces to the Hot Ones table. This season may be the most visually stunning to date, and the flavors don't disappoint, either. Get ready for numbing Sichuan spices, multiple concoctions from the lab of Smokin' Ed Currie, and a sauce that S


foreign [Music] hey what's going on and welcome back hot ones fans fall it's in the air football season hoodie weather back to school and of course a brand new hot ones season 19 lineup to burn out our guests for the remainder of the Year here she is in all her glory and I have to say ain't she a beaut I think some of the best design labels that we've ever had for a hot ones Gauntlet typically when we do these sauce reveals we haven't shot any episodes for the upcoming season yet this time we have I've tried this lineup in action and I'll say this the best tasting hot ones Gauntlet that we've ever had in the history of the show and I'm not sure that it's close if you want to get your hands on the season 19 lineup you know the drill at this point to order let's Dive Right In and I know that you clocked it the second that you open up the video the classic in its lead off position but with an orange label the classic continues to evolve