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Starbucks is Actually a Bank #shorts

#henry belcaster
#daily vlog
#daily vlogger
#smart nonsense
#smart nonsense media
#clipt media


you might think Starbucks is a coffee shop but it's actually a bank picture this you just moved into Los Angeles and there's a Starbucks around the corner they have 34 000 stores worldwide so you head inside to order a caramel macchiato you tell the Barista your name is Becky they call out Vicky and when you get to the counter they whisper hey you realize you could have gotten two times as many stars if you paid with the Starbucks app yeah so how does the Starbucks app work you load the app with cash and when you're in Starbucks you can pay with the app to earn double Stars towards free drinks so why would Starbucks offer you double stars for using their app because they're a bank and they want your money at the end of 2019 Starbucks users had deposited 1.5 billion dollars in cash to the app and you can't withdraw it that means Starbucks can lend it out or invest in the stock market or use it to buy more stores 1.5 billion dollars in cash that they pay no intere