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The Biggest Boomer in Baseball

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madison bungardner plays two professional sports is arguably the greatest posies and pitcher in history and has dated a girl named madison bumgarner he's also been called grumpy a grade a and a great big diaper baby bunn garner has thought of multiple batters because they stared at their home runs too long he started fights because of bat flips got into altercations because hitters got mad at themselves and once got into a fight because he quote just wanted to get mad for a second but the more you learn about bumgarner the more this makes sense his dad once called him and asked if he wanted to get lunch he responded by saying sorry something's come up in reality bumgarner was busy getting married in front of three people for a wedding gift he bought his wife a cow he's essentially a real life character from a western movie which has resulted in him becoming the crankiest most intense pitcher in baseball after a bad call bumgarner once tried to intimidate the u