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The Dirtiest Job in America

#dirty job
#dirtiest job
#the worlds dirtiest job
#ryan trahan
I would die for nuna


dirty a lot of things are dirty like fish and poop and fish poop I want to clean fish poop why when I was 11 I wanted to be like Mike not that mic that mic on his Show Dirty Jobs Mike is cool now I'm 24 claustrophobic and never tried to be like Mike Ryan is not cool let's change that our Journey Begins here at one of the world's largest aquariums at 5 PM Oh No 5 5 a.m 5 a.m good morning sleepyheads I haven't said that in a while well I've successfully traveled all the way to Connecticut behind me is one of the world's largest aquariums I'm afraid of many things in life dirt is not one of them I know this is Gary I am I'm scared of swimming in closed spaces and that Rock Bottom episode of Spongebob Squarepants today I feel like I'm gonna have to conquer all three I don't know why I started walking inside and yes that's scuba gear I've spent the past month dozens of hours and many Dives getting scuba certified my job today at the aquarium includes five tasks wit