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The Part Of Your Body You Should NEVER Shave | RTC

#doctor mike
#dr mike
#dr. mike
#mikhail varshavski
#doctor mikhail varshavski
#mike varshavski
#doctor reacts
Get a 60-day free trial at Thanks to ShipStation for sponsoring this video! I'm fighting iDubbbz in my professional boxing debut Saturday May 14th! Tickets for the in person event and stream here: Today I'm answering some of your questions you've left me in the comments. We talk about sleeping next to wifi routers and cell phones, dating during med school, licking pens, blood, holding in your poops, how late you should stay u


i've seen the comment section you guys have a lot of medical questions and i pulled together and i'm gonna answer some of the most juicy ones right now huge thank you to shipstation for sponsoring this video daniel von diego is it dangerous to sleep next to a wi-fi router do we have evidence that it's dangerous no do i recommend it no move it away find a different place for it don't keep it next to your brain and also keep your cell phone away from your brain and keep your cell phone out of arm's reach that you don't reach for in the middle of the night if you can't sleep because that's the sure-fire way to disturb your sleep what advice do you have for the partners of people who work in medicine given the long hours of workload it could be difficult to stay connected it's very difficult do you know how many relationships end when someone goes to medical school tons but also do you know how many relationships form because you realize that like sometimes attra