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The System that Fuels Media Negativity

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the end might not be meaner Doom might not be inevitable but not according to the news after a weekend of dramatic White House emergency actions U.S President Joe Biden has given the go ahead for a controversial oil drilling scheme environmentally say it's a carbon bomb and despite a wet winter in the west persistent drought and over development caused record low water levels for tens of millions of Americans and a warning this is going to be part of the Fallout from the dramatic roiling controversy sort of culture War type disinformation Witch Hunt those were lies uh not language you use if you are hoping for a diplomatic outcome imagine a forest imagine it's your home it's both your shelter and your source of sustenance it offers rocks to make axes Timber to build shelters but most importantly berries and nuts and ducks and all sorts of food but to get to it you have to go out out is scary out is where the threats are you're on a path your sight lines are li