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Trope Talk: Those Dang Phones

#Overly Sarcastic Productions
#Literary Analysis
Hey, have you noticed how many newer stories are giving the protagonists tools for always-on easy-access instant communication? Have you rewatched an older bit of sci-fi and questioned why the characters haven't been using the comms tech they DO have to stay in touch? Are you a writer who's noticed YOU'VE been giving your characters cell-phone equivalents without even thinking about it? Well, I hope you're prepared for a half-hour-long descent into madness as I unpack the history of telecommunic


hi how you doing how's your day been oh interesting so here's something to consider I the person currently speaking to you and flagrantly encouraging parasociality I'm not really here I mean I'm somewhere probably napping or thinking about space but I'm not here right now speaking to you what you're seeing is a form of recorded communication saved to a storage device somewhere in YouTube servers before being accessed and replayed by whatever cell phone tablet computer or TV set you're currently looking at and that's just one of the many forms of extremely impressive high-tech telecommunication we've gotten totally used to despite that being absolutely wild when you think about it the words I said in the Cozy recording booth weeks or months or even years ago have been wound up and Frozen In Time by a large amount of extremely complicated technology lattice across thousands of miles with a chain of Developmental history reaching back centuries and then you presse