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Who MURDERED Mr Beast? (Among Us)

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Who MURDERED Mr Beast? (Among Us) This Clutch Among Us we are Playing with Ssundee, Sigils and Biffle in Among Us Mod Gameplay #Amongus #Gameplay #Mods 📸Follow Me On Instagram: 📱Discord: ​ 🤖 My Friends! 🤖


today we're investigating who killed Mr B it's my latest challenge one of you has killed me if you can discover which of you is the killer I will give you one bajillion dollars challenges and find the evidence to discover the truth okay first to leave the ring loses last one standing wins [ __ ] [ __ ] see you later get out get out get out oh look at them on the edge just Bibles out Vehicles out oh oh I didn't want me one let's go all right dude okay ring push complete as you can see at the top left here complete the ring push challenge I have just completed that challenge and as you guys know I am also the Imposter but no one knows we've got Mr Beast Burger we've got Feast like a beast and we've also got a Mr Beast pool now my first order of business is to solve three riddles okay we've gotta look at the map and solve three riddles I'm gonna go ahead and cheat it there is a paper all the way in the bedroom right here now I can go to that paper because that's