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Why I Love Webcomics

#meme formats
#comic book
#newspaper comic
#Calvin and Hobbes
#theodd1sout comics
#James Rallison
#This is Fine
#Extra Fabulous Comic
I'm reconnecting with my first love and making webcomics again! ➤ Reversible Toasty Plush ➤ Win a ticket to Vidcon during Merch Maddness ➤ Webcomics Mentioned Extra Fabolous Comics ➤ KC Green ➤ Sarah Anderson ➤


draw a picture right now all right you done that sucks right I spent two hours on the face I couldn't get the hands right and when I compared my art to this other artist I found online who's younger than me it makes me want to curb stomp this monstrosity so no one ever has to look at it again okay now think of a joke not one you've already heard before I want you to think up a brand new never been done before joke ah okay you know how cats are like lazy maybe we could do a joke about a lazy cat and his owner is like ah stop being so lazy that sucked too now imagine doing both of those things together and then putting that artwork up for the entire world to leave their unfiltered Anonymous opinions and on top of that you also make virtually no money off of it who in their right mind would put themselves through that kind of torture well dear viewer I would like you all to meet Zachary Zachary is a web comic artist he makes webcomics just so when you're scrolling