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Why Is 1/137 One of the Greatest Unsolved Problems In Physics?

#Outer Space
#Quantum Mechanics
#Space Physics
#Space Time
#PBS Space Time
#Matt O’Dowd
#Einsteinian Physics
#General Relativity
#Special Relativity
#Dark Energy
#Dark Matter
#Black Holes
#The Universe
#Science Fiction
#Holographic Universe
#Holographic Principle
#Rare Earth
#Anthropic Principle
#Weak Anthropic Principle
#Strong Anthropic Principle
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thank you to Squarespace for supporting PBS it's the job of physicists to worry about numbers but there's one number that physicists have stressed about more than any other and that number is 0.00729735256. approximately 1 over 137 this is the fine structure constant and it appears everywhere in our equations of quantum physics and we're still trying to figure out why oh foreign structure constant designated as the Greek letter Alpha just looks like one of the many constants of nature that power our laws of physics like the speed of light or the gravitational constant or Planck's constant but there's something so weird and so compelling about this number that many of the founders of quantum mechanics obsessed over it Paul direct called it the most fundamental unsolved problem in physics Wolfgang Pally said when I die my first question to the devil will be what is the meaning of the fine structure constant even Richard Feynman pondered its Mysteries his entire