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Why Jet Boats are AWESOME (U.S. Coast Guard's Workhorse) - Smarter Every Day 272

#Smarter Every Day
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hey what's up i'm destin welcome back to smarter every day we are right in the middle of a deep dive series into the u.s coast guard and all the crazy stuff they do because it's impressive like we've already looked at how they respond to distress signals we've looked at the science of search patterns and there's a ton of other cool stuff that i've already filmed that's incredible and i'm excited to share it with you but today we're going to look at one of the workhorses of the u.s coast guard it's called the response boat medium this thing is incredible it's a 45 foot long computer-controlled jet boat that has like hyper maneuverability it can do all kinds of different things so instead of me like trying to explain what it does why don't i just go look at some of the public domain footage released by the coast guard and let's look at a few clips and see what this thing can do [Music] check this out here is some clear imagery from an aircraft of some sort obser