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Why Kim Jong-Il Kidnapped Filmmakers

#Johnny Harris
#Johnny Harris Vox
#Vox Borders
#Johnny Harris Vox Borders
#north korea
#Kim Jong-Il
It had to do with monster movies Use code JOHNNYHARRIS at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan: We watched a ton of North Korean films. Here’s what we learned about propaganda from them. My next video is live on Nebula NOW! It's about how the discovery of the North Pole was faked. Watch now: Check out all my sources for this video here: https://


it's late afternoon on a warm winter day in 1978 and South Korean actress Choi unhi is walking along a secluded beach in Hong Kong 40 feet away a woman she knows stands on the shore motioning her to come over a few strong-looking men stand by her side Choi feels uneasy like something bad is about to happen and she's right she's been lured here as Choi walks over to the woman a speedboat filled with more strong-looking men pulls up to the shore the men watch as Choi approaches and when she gets near they nodded each other they grab her and they force her into the boat their destination North Korea [Music] Choi was kidnapped to be forced to star in movies for the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il this is a story about film and Cinema in the scariest country on Earth but really this is about a Storyteller Kim Jong-il the second leader of North Korea a man who could change the weather with his mood and who invented the hamburger in the year 2000 even though it had