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Would You Sit Next To This On A Plane? #shorts

#hanging out
Go follow us on IG for your answer to be included in our surveys! IG: @hangingoutclips #shorts #challenge #trivia #gameshow


name something you never want to sit next to on a plane a child correct yes there's four answers you need to get all four to move on an animal incorrect one strike what's something you never want to sit next to on a plane like a bigger person like a bodybuilder somebody who's big for the seat someone that's big yeah correct yes all right you got two more left and you've got two more strikes let's keep going name something you never want to sit next to on a plane how is there more there's a lot like a sleeper like somebody who's like moved a lot even during their sleep correct oh thank god you got one more on the board two more strikes it's looking good for you bro why i was gonna stay like a bomb like i don't want to be sitting next to a bomb on a plane i feel confident in this answer but if i'm not i'm going down there correct okay