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People & Blogs:

Don't PANIC. Go to the DOCTOR TODAY!!

# competition
# prank
# family fun
# free family activities
# family entertainment
# Sunshine Mafia
# Spread Sunshine
# Big Family
# Family Band
# Abe Mills
# Jericho Road
# Mills Family
# Family Vlog
# Florida
# interracial marriage
# family goals
# relationship goals
# Christian
# Family Fun
# God
# Jesus
# Tyson’s Wilderness
# teens
# bike ride
# cancer
# cancer scare
# cancer sucks
# sickle cell anemia
# sickle cell disease
# sickle cell trait
# sickel cell awareness month
When it rains, it pours. Mom has to go to the doctor immediately. Our van breaks down. We bike ride to the kids’ events, and someone almost hits the girls! Mom has some great advice for when everything seems to be falling apart. We love you! Stay strong! Instagram @jaxamillion_puravida @tysons.wilderness @jordans.sunshinesports @sunshine_super_squad @lil_sunshine_nana @theabemills @eddietopaztheog Many of the songs we use are by our very own Jackson Mills, otherwise known as Jaxamillion. Find his music at Sunshine Studios, Inc. SUNSHINE MAFIA: TYSON’S WILDERNESS: SUNSHINE SUPER SQUAD: JAXAMILLION PRODUCTIONS.: JORDAN’S SUNSHINE SPORTS: SUN