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Timelab documentary: Hymn to the Great City // Гимн Великому городу. Документальный фильм.

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In honor of the one hundred thousandth subscriber, we publish our Unique film project “Hymn to the Great City”, which has become the quintessence of all our filming about St. Petersburg. This film project is the first experience of large-scale visualization. The film is an integral artistic creation with internal drama, uniquely complicated shooting and use of latest achievements in the technology of representation. St. Petersburg is depicted vividly, powerfully and expressively. The spectators will appreciate the size of the city, its magnificence and unique elevations used during the shooting. It is a new view, absolutely unprecedented, allowing the spectators to see St. Petersburg in a new way. Unusual viewpoints, different states of nature and different lighting create an essentially new feeling of the space that used to be known. The film was created by and "Two Captains" film company. В честь стотысячного подписчика публикуем наш Уникальный кинопроект «Гимн Великому городу», который с